Operating Safely and Reliably
Call 811 Before You Dig
Calling 811 before digging is your responsibility and it’s the law.
One or more of our pipelines may be located on or near your property, and your awareness and understanding of pipelines will enhance your personal safety as well of that of others. If you plan to dig or do any type of excavation or construction work, federal and state law requires you to call your local state One-Call Center. A Vaquero Midstream representative will locate and mark the underground pipeline at no cost to you. If you need to identify our pipelines, look for our pipeline markers. These safety signs display the type of product being transported, pipeline operator, and a 24-hour emergency phone number, 877-754-6413. Remember, your safety is important to us. Always call 811 before you dig.
If you suspect a leak, leave the area as soon as possible, and immediately notify Vaquero Midstream or call 911. Pipeline leaks can be recognized using three of the five senses:
Discoloration of vegetation; flames coming from the ground; a pool of liquid on the ground or bubbling in a wet, flooded area; or a cloud of vapor, fog or mist are signs of a possible leak around the pipeline area.
Listen for any unusual noise like a hissing or roaring sound coming from a pipeline.
Notice any unusual odor or scent of gas or a slight hydrocarbon smell. Please know that natural gas transported through pipelines are typically deodorized and may carry a faint petroleum scent or no odor at all.
In the unlikely event of a pipeline emergency, Vaquero will work with local emergency responders to control, stop, and remediate the situation as quickly as possible.
In the event of an emergency on a Vaquero pipeline or at one of our facilities:
Call 911 or your local emergency response number, then call our 24-hour emergency number at 877-754-6413.
If you have questions regarding our pipeline operations, please contact us at: info@vaqueromidstream.com.